
Galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag
Galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag

galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag

  • If you want to move your account across devices with the same operating systems, link with the Game Center on iOS or the Google Play Store on Android, then log in with the linked account on the new device.
  • This won’t cause any account linking problems. Restart your device and you should see the Facebook Disconnect option. You’ve probably disconnected your Facebook account from a different device on a different game account. What if I’ve disconnected my Facebook account but it still shows as connected? You might need to clear cookies through your device or web browser privacy options. Then you can connect your Facebook account to your game account using Facebook Connect. Make sure you’re logged out of the Facebook mobile app and website through the settings menu. What if Facebook Connect automatically logs me in to a Facebook account and I want to switch to a different Facebook account on my old device?
  • Open the settings menu and select Disconnect Facebook.
  • You can disconnect a Facebook account from a game account and then connect it to a different game account. What if I want to use a different Facebook account? Tap RESTART to load your original account and get back to playing.
  • A SUCCESS pop-up will let you know your account linked properly.
  • Type the word DELETE in the field, then tap the DELETE AND LINK button to finish the job.
  • galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag

    You’ll see a warning that lets you know the name and level of the account that will be deleted, and the name and level of the account that will replace it.Tap LINK DEVICE and log in to the Facebook account that was connected to your OLD DEVICE.If you try to connect your new device to the Facebook account on your old device, you won’t be able to link your devices and you’ll have to restart the process. Don't use Facebook Connect on your new device during this step.If you have already played on this device, open the Settings Menu and tap Connect.If you've never played on your new device, tap the Have an Account? button on the top, left corner of the screen during the intro.If your Facebook account is already connected to another game account, we'll ask you to disconnect it first.If your game isn't already connected to Facebook, log in using Facebook Connect.From the main cantina screen, tap the cog icon to open the Settings Menu, then tap Link a Device.Log in to the account you want to move.

    galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag

    Grab your old device and follow these steps: Remember, you can only link a game account to one Game Center or Google Play login. Log in with the linked account on your new device.Link your account with Game Center on iOS or Google Play Store on Android.If you want to move your account across devices with the same operating systems: You can follow the steps below to switch your account yourself in the app. All you need is access to the game on both of your devices, and your Player IDs. You can switch your STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGoH) account from iOS to Android, or vice versa.

    Galaxy of heroes bluestacks lag